How to Fix A Slice

The slice is the bane of golfers. Somewhere on a golf course right now someone is shouting “Fore!” and pointing off to the right. If you are chuckling to yourself right now it’s because you know its true and you probably slice a little yourself.
But there is a simple fix for your slice.

First, let’s define a slice. (All directional references are assuming that you are a right handed golfer.) A slice is nothing more than a shot where the ball curves to the right more than you want it too. Notice I did not say the ball curves 10, 20 or even 30 yards to the right. Only you can determine if a particular shot is a slice or not.

That’s because in reality a slice is subjective. Corey Pavin might carve the ball around a dogleg whereas you or I slice the ball out there. You see, one man’s slice is another man’s fade. It all depends on how you see it.

So there are two factors that determine a slice:
The ball curves in the air traveling to the right and
You decide that is has curved more to the right than you would like

There is a lot of golf literature and instruction about the slice. Most of it is gets somewhat complicated because the instruction tries to address two variables as if they are unrelated. The two variables are face angle and swing path. In fact, the slice should be expressed as one concept. Simply stated the concept is that the clubface is open relative to the swing path.

It is a simple matter of physics. There is no other explanation or reason for a slice. The clubface is open relative to whatever path the club is swinging on.

In order to fix your slice you must get the face square to the path you are swinging on. It really is that simple. So, “why is a slice so hard to fix?” you ask.

The reason is that golf is frequently a game of opposites. You’ve probably heard the expression swing easy, hit hard. It’s counter intuitive but you know it works. The same thing is true with a slice.

If you really want to fix your slice you need to start doing some things differently.
If you slice you probably do one or more of the following:
Aim to the left
Take the club back outside
Strike the ball with an open clubface

Now you need to start doing the opposite. So start
Aiming to the right
Take the club back inside
Strike the ball with a closed clubface

This will undoubtedly feel awkward and strange. But remember the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If you really want to fix your slice today try at least one of the tips above. I recommend that you start with your alignment and get yourself more square or closed to the target.
Go to the practice range and get straightened out there before you take it to the course.

See you in the fairway!

If you want to get more detail on how to fix your slice Click Here!

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